More Capacity for REALISE Project

    GBV Training session

    Five staff members of the REALISE Project recently completed specialized training in Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Risk Management in the workplace.

    This training was designed to address critical issues related to GBV at project implementation sites. Armed with this expertise, these staff members from REALISE will now take on the role of trainers, disseminating their knowledge to other colleagues, Service Providers and project beneficiaries.

    According to Jutomue Flomo, a member of the REALISE Project Safeguard team, the training was characterized by extensive knowledge sharing. During the sessions, Project Implementation Units presented their action plans and engaged in discussions that highlighted both successes and challenges encountered in implementing these plans.

    Flomo emphasized the significance of this training, stating, “With the knowledge gained, the REALISE project is leveraging insights from other projects to effectively manage GBV-related risks, which are crucial for achieving the project’s development objectives.”

    Looking ahead, Flomo confirmed, “The project is committed to replicating this training.” He outlined plans for periodic GBV training sessions for everyone involved in delivering services to REALISE, ensuring alignment with the objectives outlined in the Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Sexual Harassment (SEA/SH) action plan.

    The REALISE Project team members who participated in the training include Jutomue Flomo (Environmental Officer), Gifty Paye (Grievance Redress Mechanism Assistant), Siawendi C. Briamah and Vashti T. Horace (Project Animators), and Abu Sanda (Safeguard Officer).

    This two-day training initiative on Gender-Based Violence Risk Management was organized by the World Bank Liberia Safeguard department, aiming to benefit all Bank projects across the country.

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