Advancing Social Protection in West Africa:

    The ECOWAS Framework and Operational Plan

    We are pleased to share significant strides in the realm of social protection within the West African region. The recently concluded ECOWAS meeting of Social Protection Experts and Ministers saw the validation of the ECOWAS Social Protection Framework and Operational Plan—an essential milestone in our collective journey towards comprehensive social protection.

    Purpose and Outcome:

    The purpose of this framework is to establish minimum social protection standards across ECOWAS member states. This collaborative effort envisions a region where social protection is not just a program but an inherent right accessible to every citizen. The operational plan provides a roadmap for the implementation of this framework, ensuring that it goes beyond rhetoric to tangible actions that positively impact the lives of our citizens.

    Importance of the Social Protection Framework:

    The ECOWAS Social Protection Framework and Operational Plan are crucial for several reasons. It sets a unified standard for social protection, ensuring consistency and equity across the region. By pooling our collective expertise, experiences, and resources, we are better equipped to address the diverse challenges faced by our populations.

    Moreover, this framework is a testament to the commitment of ECOWAS member states to the well-being of their citizens. It reflects a shared vision of a West Africa where vulnerability is met with compassion, and social safety nets are woven into the fabric of our societies.

    Liberia’s Commitment:

    As the Republic of Liberia, we are proud to be active contributors to this regional initiative. We are committed to utilizing the ECOWAS Social Protection Framework and Operational Plan in the update of our National Social Protection Policy and Strategy. This alignment ensures that our national efforts harmonize with regional standards, fostering a more cohesive and impactful social protection ecosystem.

    Looking Ahead:

    The validation of the ECOWAS Social Protection Framework is not the end but the beginning of a transformative journey. It’s a call for collective action, collaboration, and a shared responsibility to protect the vulnerable and marginalized. In the coming months, we anticipate a ripple effect as member states integrate these standards into their national policies, fostering a region where social protection is not just a concept but a lived reality.

    We invite you to stay tuned as we embark on this journey, sharing updates on how the Republic of Liberia is translating these regional standards into meaningful changes for our citizens.

    Together, let’s build a West Africa where no one is left behind, where the dignity and well-being of every citizen are safeguarded through robust social protection systems.

    Aurelius Butler

    National Coordinator of Social Protection

    This article was originally published on [December 16, 2023] on the REALISE Project website.

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